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Farm Strong
It’s too Tough. Was my thought as I approached my nemesis: the gate.

It may seem silly or possibly sad that I have such a strong dislike for gates.But here is why. I am not farm strong. Simple tasks farmers do every day with ease I am beyond challenged by. Even attempting to tackle this awkwardly brutal task set me in a tizzy. (Side note, you should have seen me use a pitch fork the first time: yikes!)
Back to the dreadful gate, I warned the girls with my defeatist attitude that we may be chilling by the gate until the boys were done fishing if I couldn’t get the gate open.
I stepped out of the ranger right into a freshly delivered cow pie. Nice! Off to a good start! As I analyzed the situation how to best mirror my husband’s directions on how to properly approach the gate, doubt swept over me. I shook the gate maybe hoping it would pop loose or just magically open. Nothing.
So I headed back to the ranger and told the girls in a sulking and sour attitude, “Sorry we are waiting here until Dad’s done, I can’t do it!”
My five-year-old looked at me intently and said,
“Mom, I prayed and asked Jesus to help you do it, I think you should try it again!”
With her sisters enthusiastic support, I looked at both their faces, full of confidence in me! I gave a half-hearted smile and for them I tried again.
They both cheered for me as I exited the ranger for the second time. This time, I dodged the cow pie and let out a deep breath. As I lowered my shoulder in the stance I’d seen my husband master time and time again making it look so simple, I closed my eyes and said “Come on, you can do this!”
With all my strength I put my body weight against the post and with my arms tightly wrapped around the other post, I squeezed.
Now, I hate to disappoint you but there was no real grunting. Just shallow breathing as I focused my strength and strategic placement of the wire. It wriggled loose and popped off the top! I did it!
My girls cheered! As if I had scored the winning goal in a championship game! Their excitement for me gave me a boost of confidence, but I didn’t want to get ahead of myself so I said, “Don’t get too excited, closing the gate is the hardest part!”
They both emphasized their faith in my ability to close the gate. With a smile on my face and determination in my steps I headed to end this challenge.
I picked up the gate, settled in the bottom first then lowered my shoulder and heaved all that I was into that wretched post. Thinking it silly to be so worked up over this simple task, I looked over at my girls with their absolute delight in my quest. Their faces gave me enough drive to finish the job.
It wasn’t pretty, definitely not tight enough but my friends, it got done! I successfully opened AND closed the gate.
As I returned to the roaring cheers of my girls, my middle daughter put her hand on my arm and said matter-of-factly, “Mom, Jesus told me you did it all by yourself.” The smile that followed her gently genuine words made my stomach drop.
My sweet five-year-old had confidence in me, I didn’t have in myself! And more importantly, she had a confidence firmly rooted in Jesus!
I tend to have a love-hate relationship when my kids teach me things. Mostly because I feel embarrassed and like an absolute failure. That is however, until I see His plan unraveling. God does tell us in His Word to have childlike faith. (Psalm 8:2)

My daughter knew to surrender my cares (big or small) to Jesus! (1 Peter 5:7) She knew that with Jesus I can do all things! And she knew that asking Jesus to be with me meant Jesus would be with me. (Joshua 1:9)
Whether He loosed the wire or simply gave me the confidence to be farm strong, even for a moment, His strength helped me see that through Him I can do all things!
“I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.”
-Philippians 4:13
*CHALLENGE: If you’re facing a challenge, big or small, physical or spiritual, whatever the case may be, give ALL those cares to the Lord! Write down ONE thing that has been a daunting challenge for you and pray over it right now. Ask God to give you the strength to overcome this obstacle and the faith like a child to experience His goodness in all it’s entirety!
Heavenly Father, thank You for allowing us to do ALL things through Your Strength! Your mighty power is evident in our every day lives, we just need to open our eyes and soften our hearts so we can truly embrace that truth! Please Lord be with each one who is fighting what may seem like an uphill battle, help them to see and know full well that You will always be their source of strength. Thank you Father for children! For their pure, authentic love and hearts for You! May we take a moment today to experience You just as the babes and infants do! In Your Holy Name, Amen.