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Until Grace – A Baptism Testimony
Baptized by my wonderful , loving and supportive husband, alongside a very dear friend.
My pastor shared something in church that impacted me,
“Many people want a Savior but not a Lord.”
Growing up, I knew my need for a SAVIOR. Knowing the consequences of sin was death really freaked me out! I remember having that conversation with my Dad in my bedroom when I was quite young. I made the decision that night to ask Jesus in my heart, to save me from my sin. In that moment, He became my SAVIOR.
And then following, the next step, I got baptized. I can’t tell you what was said when I was baptized or even remember the dipping in the water. The clearest memory I had of that day was when later on swimming in the river, I found the current and then it found the bottoms of my swimsuit. Yep, I lost the bottom piece of my swimsuit.
And I don’t think my clearest memory of such a monumental day should be losing something, but gaining everything!
For the next 20+ years, I lived in fear of making Jesus my LORD, but clung to Him as my SAVIOR. I couldn’t fully commit to surrendering everything to Him. There were things in my past I wasn’t willing to let go of.
Over time, God revealed Himself in a gentle and loving way where I could no longer combat my complete and utter need for Him to be both my LORD AND SAVIOR! In that moment, God nudged me to make my baptism my very own. That it would be something I do because I am fully ready to surrender who I am into the Hands of My Lord AND Savior!
I would love to say this was spurred on just weeks ago and I obeyed, but I battled this decision a few years ago! I am sure glad we serve a patient and gracious God!
I never fully understand baptism until God made it come alive for me. And here is how it hit me,
Baptism is an outward proclamation of an inward promise to make Jesus Christ your Lord AND Savior.
There is a song that confirmed my very decision to be here today, ‘Until Grace’ by Tauren Wells,
Until grace called my name Oh, I didn't know I could be free Until grace found me Until grace broke these chains Oh, I didn't know I could be free Until grace found, Your grace found me
Grace was another thing I grew up hearing, but didn't truly comprehend. I left that beautiful gift of grace from my Heavenly Father unopened for many years until it called my name!
Isaiah 43:1b says “Do no fear, for I have redeemed you, I have called you by name, you are mine.” I know now, without the shadow of a doubt that I have been called, by name, out of the darkness into His wonderful light. And I am chain free, because God’s grace found me! (1 Peter 2:9)
"We were therefore buried with Him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life."
Romans 6:4