Hello world!

Welcome to Come Alive with Candace! My name is Candace, and I am beyond tickled to have you join me along this new journey of blogging! As Casting Crowns so beautifully put it,

‘I am just a nobody trying to tell every body, all about somebody Who saved my soul!’

Casting Crowns

PC: Cathy Haun

That’s exactly why I am here!

This past year, I truly CAME ALIVE! God has been doing some pretty incredible things in my life, albeit rather challenging, but the outcome – WOW! Let me just say, we serve a merciful, mighty, gracious, loving God! (Can I get an Amen?!)

“Therefore, be imitators of God, as beloved children, and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us.”

Ephesians 5:1-2

You see, I am a nobody; just a simple farmwife/Stay-At-Home-Mom (SAHM) and yet, God has called me. He has called each of us to be imitators of Him!

And for me, that is BLOGGING of all things! WHY? Well, here is how our conversation went down:
ME: (wide eyed, heart racing) You sure about this God? You sure it’s not a
mistake? Possibly, Your first mistake?! Just kidding, You don’t make
mistakes, I love you!
GOD: (calm) You Are My Child, I have called you! Are you willing?
ME: (deep breath and fervent prayer) Absolutely Lord, use me!

As I looked back, I do remember praying those exact words to Him months ago, “Use Me!” And now, His timing has come, He has answered my prayer.

So I really can’t emphasize enough just how much God can use you no matter where you are at! All YOU need to do is be willing to be used! The questions is, are you? Are you willing to TAKE ROOT today?!

“Are you open to change in your life? Are you willing to risk? How flexible are you? It may not involve a move to another country or even across town, only a willingness.”

Charles Swindoll, ‘Moses: A Man of Selfless Dedication’

PC: Cathy Haun

Willingness is all it takes to take root! Then, you GROW! Once you begin to grow, you keep growing and growing until you are THRIVING! You will, ‘soar on wings like eagles.’ (Isaiah 40:31)

This blog is not meant for anyone specific, mainly because I hate excluding people…BUT also because we are ALL searching for more! Even if we don’t know what that looks like or where to even begin!

So if that is YOU – you’ve come to the right place!

And not because I have a lot to offer, but because I serve a God who has EVERYTHING to offer!

I hope you can sing and shout the truth of this song with me and COME ALIVE!

But God, rich in mercy
You came to save me
Now I’m alive
But God, strong and mighty
You reached down for me
So I could rise
Now I’m alive.

‘Alive’ by Big Daddy Weave

Stay tuned for upcoming posts! I very much look forward to diving in with you all!

Until next time!

“So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in faith as you were taught and overflow with thankfulness.”

Colossians 2:6-7

*CHALLENGE: Are YOU ready to Take Root? Grow? Thrive? If so, what’s the FIRST STEP you can take in that direction?

Dear Gracious Father, thank You for blessing and strengthening us so we can overflow with thankfulness! May we be obedient to where You are calling us today! May our hearts be softened and eyes be open! In Your Holy Name – Amen.

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Candace Smiling with Hat

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