Candace Alford

Welcome to Our Family Farm

I’ve come to understand that life can be viewed through different lenses. Depends on your personality, gender, experiences, upbringing and so on. I’ve recently been seeing life through a whole new lens – farm life! Growing up, I lived in a small town, like under 600 people. I was very fortunate to have a wonderful…
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Precisely Passionate

Anyone else encompassed with a strong and barely controllable emotion, known as passion? My hand is waving frantically in the air. My Dad always told me I was very passionate. Gently, he advised me to be careful because what may be my greatest strong suit could also, become my biggest weakness. Whether you have a…
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Our Happy Place

Relaxed in my usual upright position, hands clenching the wheel and the soft melody of uplifting music plays. As I glance in the rear view mirror at my three babes safely fastened in their seats, singing along. I can’t help but smile and appreciate these moments in, our happy place. Last week, we loaded up…
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The Master of Money Saving

My inspiration for this topic comes straight from my Mom! She is the Master of Money Saving! I remember going shopping with her as a young child. I hated it! She was like an energy bunny on steroids. And her one goal was to hit every yellow “Clearance” sign in all the stores! We could…
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Find What FITS You

Many times you hear the word ‘fitness‘ and avoid any further thought on the matter. But what if I told you fitness isn’t just about physically pushing yourself; like sweating until you’re light headed and ready to throw up? Would you be intrigued then? Fitness is described as, ‘the quality of being suitable to fulfill…
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If We Are the Body

“If one part suffers, every part suffers with it…” 1 Corinthians 12:26a Right now, our nation, our world is suffering. We need healing, we need reaching, we need teaching. Ultimately, we need to find a Way. Last night I went to bed praying for ways to be used specifically during this pandemic, during this time…
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He is Risen!

“He is not here; He is risen, just as He said.” – Matthew 28:6 This verse is very common when we think of Easter. But what do those words truly mean to YOU? Is it another memorable day spent with family, eating delicious food, showering your kids with goodies and egg-citing festivities? Or does it…
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Here’s What’s Next!

Hey! Me again! Before we dig into what’s next, I thought it best to tell you a little about myself! My name is Candace Alford! It is very nice to meet you! I am married to the most ruggedly handsome farmer/rancher /seed salesman for sure in the Midwest, but probably everywhere! We’ve been married for…
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Hello world!

Welcome to Come Alive with Candace! My name is Candace, and I am beyond tickled to have you join me along this new journey of blogging! As Casting Crowns so beautifully put it, ‘I am just a nobody trying to tell every body, all about somebody Who saved my soul!’ Casting Crowns That’s exactly why…
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